Acceptable shoes
ALL students are expected to wear FULL school uniform every day. Uniform must be worn to and from school, at lunchtime and recess, and on all school excursions.
The following items are acceptable as part of the school uniform:
Grey school pants
Grey school shorts
School dress with school logo
Pleated school skirt
Blue school jumper or cardigan with school logo
Plain white or long sleeved shirt with or without school logo
Official black school jacket – blazer, raincoat, sports jacket or puffer jacket – with school logo
Black school shoes or runners
Grey, black or white socks
Headwear in school colours
College tie - optional
Black tights
Black or white lond sleeved t-shirts under school shirt or dress
The following items are not acceptable as part of the school uniform:
Black pants of any kind
Denim jeans
Cargo pants
Pants with attached skirts
Tracksuit pants
Hooded tops
Basketball-style or straight skirts
Jackets without the school logo
Facial piercings that are not a clear flat stud Facial ring piercings must be removed
Under garments that have visible prints
Any item not specified in the 'acceptable' list
Students who fail to follow the school’s TSC School Dress Code Policy will be subject to the following consequences:
Compass note will be added to the student’s Compass page
Parents will be contacted by the Pastoral Care teacher
Lunchtime detentions may be issued for repeated non-compliance
Isolation from class may result for ongoing non-compliance. In this event, the school will continue to work with the student and family to support compliance.
Support for families experiencing difficulty
For families experiencing difficulties in purchasing uniform (such as uniform cost) or for information regarding eligibility for uniform support through State Schools' Relief, please contact your student’s relevant Year Level Coordinator. Further information about State Schools’ Relief is also available on their website: htps://www.ssr.net.au/
Rushfords Price List
Uniform items can be purchased from:
Rushfords Schoolwear
Mon – Fri: 9am to 5pm Sat: 9am to1pm
Shop 1 / 13 Barnes Place, Werribee
Phone: 03 9741 3211
Email: rushfords@noone.com.au