If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence via the Compass parent portal, calling 9749 0246 or by email to
To maximise student learning opportunities and performance by ensuring that Tarneit Senior College students attend a minimum of 90% of scheduled class time per unit during a semester. 90% attendance must be seen as a minimum attendance rate. All students should strive for100% attendance.
Maximise the attendance of all students and support families in achieving regular attendance for their children.
Provide organisational structures which support the early detection and identification of causes of student non-attendance.
Ensure the efficiency and accuracy of data collection for school, legal and audit requirements.
We believe that student success is determined by good attendance at school. Students need to attend school regularly in order to participate fully and gain maximum benefit from their schooling. Regular attendance enables students to access a full education, enabling them to reach their full potential. We acknowledge that monitoring of student attendance enables identification of students at risk and the early implementation of intervention strategies.
We also acknowledge our obligation to monitor the legal requirement for all students under seventeen years to attend school, and that we have a duty of care for all students including those over the compulsory school age.
Student Responsibilities
Parent Responsibilities
Attend and be punctual for all timetabled classes.
Provide a medical certificate/written note to form group teacher on return to school.
Collect a late pass at the office and provide explanation if late for school.
Discuss with each teacher procedures for catching up on any work missed through lateness or absence.
Ensure that the student attends and is punctual each school day.
Notify the school (preferably in advance) if a student is to be absent.
Provide written explanation to the school for each student absence on the day of return.
Contact house leader for assistance if a student is resistant to attending school or will be absent for an extended period of time.
VCE Absence on a 'SAC' Day
Absences from school are sometimes unavoidable but when they occur, must be followed up with a note from parents/guardians or a Medical Certificate stating your child was unfit for school on the days of the absence. Phone calls to our general office on 97490246 on the day of absence are much appreciated.
Students absent on the day of a scheduled VCE assessment task ‘SAC’ require a Medical Certificate stating that the student was unfit for school on this day.
Late to School
Early Departure
Students arriving late to school are marked absent for the classes they miss. Students are required to obtain a ‘Late Pass’ from the attendance office to ensure that the rest of the school day is not counted as an absence.
Students should not leave school early for appointments that can wait until after school hours. Early departures have the same impact on student attendance as any other absence.
Extended Holidays
Checking Your Child's Attendance
Extended holidays can severely impact on a student’s ability to pass. At Tarneit Senior College we strongly advise families not to plan extended holidays during term at any time but especially during Year 12. Students planning an extended holiday of more than 5 school days must complete our ‘Extended period of absence Form’.
All parents are able to check their child’s attendance via our ‘parent portal’ this can be accessed directly on using your password which was mailed home recently. Contact the office if you have misplaced this password. This information is up to date at all times. A phone call to the college is always welcome. Your support in ensuring your child is at school every day is both sought and appreciated. We can all have a major impact on your child’s success at school by ensuring they are here every day.
For further information regarding the Department of Education and Training's Attendance policies can be found here.